24 Feb Year 2 Report on The Great Fire of London
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In Year 3 we have been exploring prehistoric art, including using charcoal and natural materials such as berries and spices to recreate prehistoric drawing techniques and colour pallets. To create our own cave paintings, we first made our own cave walls. We used cardboard, glue,...
In Year 3, we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We studied the changes across the three kingdoms, including: the way in which pharaohs were buried; the way in which beliefs developed and spread; the development of using hieroglyphs as a means of communication;...
In year 4 , we have been learning about natural biomes in Geography, Alexander the Great in History and the story of Moses and Exodus in R.E. These subjects were reflected in the wonderful home learning projects that children worked on over the half term....
In Year 3, we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We studied the changes across the three kingdoms, including: the way in which pharaohs were buried; the way in which beliefs developed and spread; the development of using hieroglyphs as a means of communication;...