Please select from the pages below for more information.

Useful Links

The links on this page have helped parents in finding information or providing extra activities to help their children.

Data Protection- Privacy notice

South Harringay School is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about pupils, in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), section 537A of the Education Act 1996...


Our e-Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on The London Grid for Learning(LGfL) Exemplar Policy and other example policies and documents.

School Uniform

We believe that the wearing of a school uniform enables children to identify with their school, gives a sense of belonging, is practical and smart, reinforces a positive work ethos and reduces expenditure for parents/carers.

PSA - Friends of South Harringay

Our school has many fundraising initiatives. Some of these raise extra funds for our school and others support charities, both national and international