Our Nursery has a mixture of full and part time places. We offer places for children to start in the term after their third birthday. Most of our places are allocated to start in September but we do offer January start dates for children who have siblings in our school. Please note that our Nursery is open in term time only. If you would like to come and see our Nursery, please telephone the school on 0208 3402757 to arrange a visit.

Our Nursery provides a happy, relaxed and stimulating environment in which children, through their investigations, play and talk, will gain the best foundations for future learning. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. Our Nursery staff work with children to help them develop into independent and confident learners. Through structured play and practical activities, children are able to develop the characteristics of effective learning which are the ways in which children engage with other people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically. Details of the Early Years Foundation curriculum can be seen below.

“The 3 teachers are an absolute joy to deal with and we know our child is in great hands. Not just for her educational development, but most importantly for her well being and emotional development as they learn and discover the world around them and how to operate as a kind human within it.” One of our parents 2019

At South Harringay Nursery, we offer 15 and 30 hours places as well as provision for wrap-around care so that our full-time children can attend from 8am. until 6pm. Our Nursery is open term time only. We offer places to children starting the term of their 3rd birthday (so to start in September, their birthday needs to be before August 31st that year. If their birthday is in September, funding will not be allocated until the following January)

Nursery hours

15 hours morning session (8.45am.-11.45am. every day Monday to Friday)

15 hours afternoon sessions (12.45pm. -3.45pm. every day Monday to Friday)

30 hours full time provision (9am -3pm. core hours every day)

In addition to the 30 core hours, our full-time nursery children can attend the Breakfast Club (8am– 9am) and the Early Years After School Club (from 3pm to 6pm) at an additional cost. Please contact the school for further information.

To find out if you are eligible for full time Nursery funding, please look at our eligibility information below

When allocating our Nursery places, we adhere to the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy. To see our admissions policy please use the link below: 

Nursery admissions policy

How to apply

Applications for September 2025 (or January 2026 for children with sibling at the school) must be submitted before 28th March 2025.

To apply for a nursery please visit our school to collect a Nursery application form. The best time to do apply is on or just before your child turns 2 and a half. Once completed you can submit it to the school Reception together with the originals of the following documents (we will take copies and return you the originals straight away. Please do not post the originals, it is better if you bring them in person).

Without these documents we cannot accept your application:

1) Child’s birth certificate

2) 2 documents proving your address (e.g. council tax bill, any of the utility bills etc.)

Eligibility criteria for 30 hours free Nursery funding

All children are entitled to 15 free hours of Nursery provision from the term after their 3rd birthday. Some children may be entitled to 30 hours free Nursery provision from the start of the term after their 3rd birthday. This scheme aims to help working parents, so families where one parent does not work, or both parents do not work, will not be eligible for the additional 15 hours.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Both parents must be working – or the sole parent must work in a lone parent family
  • Each parent must earn, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. For this scheme, the minimum amount will always reflect the lowest hourly rate that a person can legally be paid. Therefore, currently for a parent aged 21-24, you would need to earn a weekly average of at least £111.20. For a parent aged 25+, you would need to earn a weekly average of at least £115.20.
  • Each parent must have an annual income of less than £100,000