At South Harringay School the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) programme of study brings together citizenship with personal well-being. It is intended to support the school in developing a coherent whole-school approach to PSHE. Promoting and teaching of British Values and Spritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) is also addressed through the PSHE curriculum.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE is encouraged through the ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’ area of learning.
PSHE is about making connections and is strongly linked to play. PSHE is taught through activities that are part of our curriculum, as well as on an individual basis to develop personal skills such as dressing, feeding and toileting. Positive experiences are built through daily opportunities to share and enjoy a range of different activities. The children are given the opportunity to engage in social activities, as members of a small group or during whole school activities. Reception classes are also taught discreet PSHE lessons using the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme.
EYFS and key stage 1
The PSHE curriculum is structured around the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme and the core themes of Myself and My Relationships, Citizenship, Healthier and Safer Lifestyles and Economic Wellbeing.
The children are encouraged to engage in activities that promote an understanding of themselves as growing and changing individuals, and as members of a wider community, based on their own first hand experiences. These activities also encourage pupils to understand how their choices and behaviours can affect others. The children are encouraged to play and learn alongside, and then collaboratively with, their peers. They may use their personal and social skills to develop or extend these activities. The children are also given the opportunity to make choices about their health and environment and are encouraged to develop a caring attitude to others. SEAL materials and themes may be incorporated into the curriculum.
Key stage 2
The key stage 2 PSHE Curriculum is taught through Philosophy for children and the Christopher Winter Project materials on Sex and Relationship Education and Drugs Education. They teach the importance in making safe choices and encouraging children to develop independence and freedom to make choices for themselves. Children learn about personal safety with a focus on medicines and substances found in most homes. In years 3 and 4 this includes smoking, alcohol, why people use illegal drugs, the effects they have on our bodies an how to resist use. In years 5 and 6 children will focus on legal and illegal drugs, with an emphasis on the drugs most commonly used by early teenagers. Lessons are designed to be adapted depending on the degree of knowledge each class has about drugs. There is a focus for all classes on recognising unsafe and risky situations and developing the skills to ask for help.