At South Harringay School we promote British values in all that we do. British values are; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
We listen to children’s and parents’ voice. Our school behaviour policy is clear that children are expected to contribute and co-operate, taking into account the views of others. Parent surveys and pupil questionnaires are regularly taken
The election of school council members in key stages one and two reflects the British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action.
In EYFS we support children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) by giving them opportunities to develop their self-confidence and self-awareness, to make choices and decisions about what they want to explore and how they’re going to use the resources we have made accessible to them. (PSED)
The Rule of Law
We consistently reinforce our high expectations of children. Children are taught the value and reasons behind our expectations (rules) that they are there to protect us, that everyone has a responsibility and that there are consequences when rules are broken. This is reinforced in different contexts:
Whole school rules, playground rules and class rules are reviewed regularly and reinforced through assemblies and circle times. Children all contribute to their class rules at the start of the year. Rewards are given to children who show exemplary behaviour and agreed sanctions are in place for those who break the rules.
In EYFS we learn the difference between right and wrong: about behaving within agreed and clearly defined boundaries and about dealing with consequences. (PSED)
Individual Liberty
Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young children to make choices safely, through our provision of a safe environment and empowering teaching.
In EYFS we focus on children’s self-confidence and self-awareness and people and communities. (PSED/UW) We help children to develop a positive sense of themselves and to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities
In key stage 1 the PSHE Curriculum (Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme) teaches the importance if making safe choices and encouraging children to develop independence and freedom to make choices for themselves.
The key stage 2 PSHE Curriculum is taught through Philosophy for children. We teach the importance in making safe choices and encouraging children to develop independence and freedom to make choices for themselves. This is also reflected in the teaching of our Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.
Mutual Respect
Staff help children understand respect by modeling respectful, caring relationships and listening skills. Staff also help children to understand respect by talking about how actions and words can affect others.
In EYFS we learn to treat others as we want to be treated. How to be part of a community, manage our feelings and behavior and form relationships with others.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We aim to enhance children’s understanding of different faiths and beliefs by participating in a range of celebrations throughout the year. Children have the opportunity to visit different places of worship such as a local church and mosque to further develop their understanding. The Haringey RE Syllabus is taught across key stages one and two. The PSHE curriculum encourages children to be aware of and celebrate their differences and similarities. We have an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance in our setting, where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and where we encourage children to engage with their wider community.
Our school values contribute to the promoting and teaching of British Values throughout all year groups. Children nominate each other to be ‘values champions’ and are recognised by staff and their classmates in assemblies. Our school values are:
- Resilience
- Honesty
- Contribute
- Respect
SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. All schools in England must show how well their pupils develop in SMSC.
Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
We promote spiritual development through:
- RE curriculum
- Circle Time
- PSHE curriculum
- Celebration Assemblies
- Golden Rules
- School Trips
- Exploring feelings of others using drama and role play
Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
We promote moral development through:
- School Council
- Charity Fundraising
- Assemblies
- PSHE Curriculum
- RE Curriculm
- Behaviour policy and school Golden Rules
Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values‘ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
We promote social development through:
- Circle Time
- Performances and assemblies
- Sports Day/ events
- Community events
- Transition across the school
- Home visits
Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
We promote cultural development through:
- Assemblies
- Festivals
- School Trips
- Visitors in school
- World Book Day
- Curriculum-EYFS – PSED/Understanding the World